Self love is incredibly important, it’s essential that regardless of our failures, weakness, shortcomings, flaws, and imperfections, that we love ourself. And it’s also important that for the time we’re alive and conscious and on this earth, we feel connection, needed, desired, wanted, cared for, nurtured, appreciated, and loved.
During this journey of living, are thoughts and feelings and experiences can mix us up. Sometimes we can get clarity around what we need by asking ourselves questions. Then we can get even more clarity by paying attention to what comes up, and sitting with, reflecting on, and learning from the answers.
When the questions are related to love, we call these love questions.
Today’s love question is:
“What was the moment you felt most loved?”

#luv #loved #selflove #love #relationships #asklovequestions
If you feel comfortable, please share your answer, and then write something encouraging and thoughtful in response to someone else’s post. Also, please consider sharing, or asking the question to one of your fellow living creatures, so the conversations can continue.