Apply to be a guest on the #AskLoveQuestions livestream.

Ask Love questions strives to be helpful, engaging, and entertaining. With that in mind, we’re always looking for three types of guests:

  • Experts:
    • Are you an expert in the health, wellness, or love field?
    • This includes best selling authors, journalists, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, academic researchers, educators, doctors, or other types of specialized professional experts.
    • Please apply with a link to you Linkedin profile.
  • Content Creators, Influencers, Brands:
    • Are you a proven content creator with more than 10K followers on at least one platform?
    • Whether that’s on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, Quora, or some other platform, we don’t care. We’re looking for people who have proven that they can be smart, fun, engaging, and can build an audience, to give a more relatable perspective on love questions.
    • Please apply with a link to you social media account with the largest social following, as well as a link to your sample content.
  • People with questions:
    • Do you have love questions?
    • This includes questions around Health and Wellness, Dating, Sex, Love, and Relationships.
    • All questions can be asked anonymously through the contact / ask question tab on our website’s main menu, but if you want to be featured on the #AskLoveQuestions live video or audio stream, please apply with your questions and a link to your public IG or Facebook profile.